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    American Mainstream Media Censors Massive Protest AGAINST Syrian Refugees | Conservative Post

    9 years ago

    170,000 Polish patriots marched through the capital to end Islamic invasion in their country.

    Check this out:


    Did you see this anywhere in our American mainstream media? I don’t think so!

    They completely censored it from American eyes, lest they be inspired to stand up against Obama’s sinister plans to import up to 200,000 so-called “Syrian refugees.”

    Schermata 2015-11-27 alle 12.11.09

    According to Top Right News:

    Described as the ‘largest demonstration in Polish history’, over 100,000 Polish nationalists took to the streets yesterday in the city center of Warsaw against immigration into Europe and the European Union—and in particular against the latter’s demands that Poland “absorb” Muslims who have flooded into Germany over the past few months. Protesters referred to the immigrants as “invaders”.


    American Mainstream Media Censors Massive Protest AGAINST Syrian Refugees…This is WHY….