• Essay

    Gavin McInnes: Paris ‘Needs a Slap in the Face’ | Truth Revolt

    9 years ago


    t The Rebel Media, commentator Gavin McInnes reports from the scene of last Friday’s concert massacre in Paris at the hands of Islamic terrorists. It’s not a hopeful scene, reports McInnes:

    “My visit to Paris has been profoundly depressing. There is no fight left in this city.”

    The people he spoke with “are too encumbered with capitulation. They blame terrorism on America and the Jews, to the point where ISIS is getting annoyed that Islam isn’t getting credit!”

    He continues:

    “This trip has been depressing, because no one here is angry. They certainly aren’t talking about — God forbid — letting people arm themselves… It’s time for irrational hatred. It’s time for vehement patriotism. This city needs a slap in the face.”

    Watch it all above. Some language is NSFW.

    Gavin McInnes: Paris ‘Needs a Slap in the Face’ | Truth Revolt.