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    German Law Would Give Police Power to Enter Homes to Check For “Refugee Suitability” | Infowars

    9 years ago

    A proposed law in Germany would

    give police the power to enter people’s homes without their permission in order to conduct a “suitability” check to see if the accommodation could be used to house asylum seekers.

    Journalist Gunnar Schupelius writes that he was so shocked by the idea he first thought it was “satire,” but after doing some digging found that the Senate Chancellery has actually proposed altering German law, which currently forbids police from entering a home against the owner’s permission without a warrant or unless it’s “to avert imminent danger”.

    The proposal would add a paragraph to § 36 ASOG to state (translated version), “The regulatory authorities and the police can enter to check the suitability for accommodation of refugees land, buildings or parts thereof without the consent of the owner, if the threat for the Prevention Homelessness is required.”

    Although the proposal has attracted virtually no media coverage, Berlin FDP General Secretary Sebastian Czaja said it represented an “open breach of the Constitution” and called for protests.

    Schupelius is asking Governing Mayor Michael Müller (SPD) to “come clean” over the proposal, which he asserts represents a

    “secret and surreptitious intrusion into private homes.”

    Germany is currently struggling to find new accommodation for the hundreds of thousands of migrants pouring into the country. Some German citizens who live in social housing have been given eviction notices in order to make way for asylum seekers.

    Migrants are also being housed in 4-star hotels and local churches. Last month, a regional governor told residents of a municipality in Germany that if they didn’t embrace the arrival of hundreds of new migrants, they should leave.

    As we reported earlier this week, a German member of parliament has also called for introducing a “compulsory labor” program under which young Germans would be forced to spend a year in the service of migrants.

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    Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.

    German Law Would Give Police Power to Enter Homes to Check For “Refugee Suitability” » Infowars Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!.