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    Free-Market Environmentalism — Walter Block – YouTube

    9 years ago

    Walter Block speaks about Free-Market Environmentalism at the Australian Mises Seminar 2012. For more information see: http://www.mises.org.au/seminar-2012

    3:30 – Pollution
    10:30 – Species Extinction
    15:07 – Paper or Plastic?
    19:57 – The Over-population “problem”
    27:50 – Trees and clear-cutting

    Q&A Session:
    30:22 – ‘Water? Who does it belong to?…’
    37:00 – ‘Imagine 1840, no railways, but one foot bridge…’
    40:22 – ‘Homesteading and mineral rights…’
    42:37 – ‘Solution towards culture’s that don’t respect private property rights…’
    45:36 – ‘Non-point source pollution, or diffuse source pollution, and the Great Barrier Reef’
    49:26 – ‘Voluntary slavery and self-ownership and how would you enforce it’

    Free-Market Environmentalism — Walter Block – YouTube.