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    Obama Honors Islam Before Dead Marines Killed by Islamic Terrorist; Americans Furious | Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!

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    White House sent out ‘happy Ramadan’ statement before commenting on Chattanooga attack

    Obama Honors Islam Before Dead Marines Killed by Islamic Terrorist; Americans Furious

    July 17, 2015

    President Obama issued a statement yesterday urging Americans to respect the religion of Islam before he even commented on a terror attack by an Islamic extremist in Chattanooga which killed four Marines, prompting widespread anger.

    The White House tweeted out a statement wishing Muslims “Eid Mubarak!” as Ramadan came to a close, adding that, “the holiday is a reminder to every American of the importance of respecting those of all faiths and beliefs.”

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    The statement was tweeted hours after the Chattanooga shooting and after it had been established that the culprit was 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, a Kuwaiti Muslim whose blog revealed that Islam played a central role in his ideology.

    It was only after Obama had lectured Americans about respecting Islam that he paid tribute to the four dead Marines killed by an Islamic terrorist.

    Reaction to the timing was brutal.

    Obama has been widely criticized for his refusal to even use the term “Islamic” when referring to Islamist terror attacks, an illustration of the stifling political correctness that surrounds discussion of Islamic-inspired atrocities.

    In the aftermath of the shootings, the leftist media, which immediately exploited the Charleston attack to collectively demonize all white Americans, is noticeably shy to discuss Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez’s motivation.

    Salon.com, which said that “white America must answer for the Charleston massacre,” has as its top story this morning a piece about drafting Al Gore. There are no mentions of Chattanooga until you scroll well down the page.

    Donald Trump also took Obama to task during a Fox News appearance last night, slamming his fear of using the term “Islamic terrorism.”

    via » Obama Honors Islam Before Dead Marines Killed by Islamic Terrorist; Americans Furious Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind!.


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    Paul Joseph Watson is the editor at large of Infowars.com and Prison Planet.com.