Edgar the Exploiter – YouTube
10 years ago
An explanation of how the minimum wage can be expected to harm marginal workers (even while it might help others).
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Edgar the Exploiter is the crowd-funded follow-up to George Ought to Help, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGMQZE…
Homepage: http://www.georgeoughttohelp.com
Additional thanks: http://www.georgeoughttohelp.com/edga…
‘Edgar The Entrepreneur’ by Daniel Sanchez
Summary of minimum wage research: http://www.forbes.com/sites/booked/20…
Would you like to be notified about crowd-funding campaigns for similar projects in the future? Submit your email address here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/v…
If you’d like to provide a translation for the film’s captions:
1. Copy the URL of the Edgar video to your clipboard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFbYM2…
2. Go to http://mike.thedt.net/ytsubs/ytsubs.php,
3. Paste the YouTube Edgar url from your clipboard into the field on the ‘closed captions ripper’ page, and download the ‘English’ caption file.
4. Edit and save the the file in a text editor (The file has to be edited as plain text to be compatible with YouTube. Notepad or Textedit both allow plaintext editing) and send the translated version to info at redshiftmedia dot com. Be sure to include the name of the language you translated it to and your name as you’d like it to appear in the translation credits list.
גיא קדם
German: Manuel Barkhau
Portuguese (Portugal): José Manuel Moreira Batista
Slovak: bulakmartin
French: Edouard H.
Italian: fabristol (www.libertarianation.org).
Finnish: http://www.youtube.com/user/havaitsija
Spanish: Adam D
Polish: http://libertarianizm.net
Greek: https://www.facebook.com/soulthorn
Indonesian: Entree 4 class MBA SBM ITB jakarta
Russian: https://twitter.com/VParkh