• Real goal of immigration reform – 8 million Democrat voters

    10 years ago

    An SEIU officer explains why the union and the Democrat “progressives” want “comprehensive immigration reform” with a path to citizenship for twelve million illegals. At present ratios that will add eight million voters to the Democrat rolls which will be sufficient to swing many elections at local, state and national levels.

    Real goal of immigration reform – 8 million Democrat voters – YouTube.


    Media heads are trying to blame the GOP for DHS running out of funding but it is the Senate Democrats “amnesty before anything” that stops security funding. Here’s why.

    Democrats don’t care about people or jobs or the economy. Democrats only care about power. The end justifies the means. The end is the permanent entrenchment of Democrats at all levels of government. The ring of power as Tolkien described it. Stalin, Mao and Hitler all sought it. Believing that if THEY just had all the power they can usher in real socialism even though it has never worked anywhere in the world. If they just have enough power over the commoners, they can force them to change, force them to accept and believe whatever THEY decide is good and right. Damn the Constitution, full amnesty ahead. THEY know what’s best for you.

    An SEIU (Service Employees International Union) officer explains why the union and the Democrat “progressives” want “comprehensive immigration reform” (amnesty) with a path to citizenship for twelve million illegals. At present ratios that will add eight million voters to the Democrat rolls which will be sufficient to swing many elections at local, state and national levels for generations to come. That will effectively turn America into one party rule and cement the leftist transformation to a socialist thugocracy for the foreseeable future. Obama has done what he promised. He has “fundamentally transformed America” into a socialist welfare state.