Towards a crowd-ization of government (Government follows the trends of Practices 2.0) <see my text “Towards a crowd-ization of government (Government follows the trends of Practices 2.0)“>… New Practices anchor The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) govt: methods *Crowdization *Direct/Participatory Democracy
Towards the definition of a new form of government that recover the founding principles of Democracy Questo è un MAIN assieme a “The Direct Democracy (Participatory Democracy)“… anchor The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) govt: methods Democracy 2.0 Democracy: principles/rules Politics 2.0 (bottom-up) *Bottom-up Government *Democracy *Direct/Participatory Democracy *Reboot çç3)█ the NEW POLITICS (Pr. REBOOT)
The opportunities for improving Democracy “by the People” offered by new technologies <see my text “The opportunities for improving Democracy “by the People” offered by new Technologies“>… New Tech for Democracy anchor The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) govt: methods Technologies *Crowdization *Direct/Participatory Democracy *Localism 2.0
The question of (false) representation in modern Democracy <vedi il mio testo “The question of representation in modern Democracy“>… Politics: MODERN (Ideologic) anchor The need to develop a dimension of effective participation in the government of citizens (bottom-up governance modality) govt: methods Difetti della Social-Democrazia *Representation