isplay taxonomy
in particolare govern “in parallel” <see my text “A transition model: Advocacy Democracy (how to govern “in parallel”)“>…
MAIN <see my text “Bottom Up Reform Initiative (Open Government Platform) – A Project for the realization of a bottom-up Reform of Democracy“>…
<see my text “Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement of the Citizens“>
vedi anche <see my text “Introduction to the Project Bottom-up Reform Initiative (Citizens Politics): the path of involvement …
questo è più filosofico dell’altro (ITA)…
OCCHIO, CREDO CHE SIA RIPETUTA IN ALTRI LINK-ANCHE — SINOSSI LUNGA CHE VERTE SULLE SOLUZIONI – Brief di sol. come Spending Rew. e Partecip. Schools, Mob. Urbana …. <see my document “Synopsis of the Open Government Platform Project“>…
<see my article “Reboot of Democracy (synopsis): How and why to change the contrast strategies of the Establishment of Politics“>…
<vedi il mio articolo “Starting from people, from small, from local (in dimension of participation)“>…