pop-points-RACCOLTA: vax/immunity

4 posts

The danger of the second wave of Covid-19 and the arrival of a vaccine have no scientific basis

  The new emergency measures are taken on the basis of assumptions that have no scientific basis. And these measures create serious damage to the economy and to people’s health since the “pandemic” is now over. ● the thesis of the danger of the second wave: this danger does not exist because, as many virologists indicate, with the knowledge acquired in recent months a possible second […]

Herd immunity: an epidemic ends when all the community has been infected

The problem of the long duration of the Coronavirus 2020 epidemic is, paradoxically, due to the fact that the lockdown has taken place. In fact, in influenza epidemics from 80 to 95 percent of the population must be immune to the disease to stop its spread. To visualize this, picture someone without immunity as a red dot surrounded by yellow immune dots. If the red dot […]

sources: the improbability of the creation of a vaccine for Covid-19

«Seventeen years after the (Sars) outbreak and seven years since the first Middle East respiratory syndrome (Mers) case, there is still no coronavirus vaccine despite dozens of attempts to develop them.» (There was no vaccine for Sars or Mers. Will there be one for the new coronavirus? – South China Morning Post) ● “Why we might not get a coronavirus vaccine “ the Guardian – «Why […]

Effective vaccines are practically impossible to create

Vaccines for the flu virus are almost impossible to create (vaccines are highly specific, if the virus changes, the vaccine is inneffective): ● this virus changes continuously and therefore – since it takes months of work since a virus is discovered – when the vaccine is ready the virus has already changed (and the vaccine is ineffective) ● the virus is “intelligent” and over the years […]