Inexorably the truth emerges that defeats the theses of the institutions (and confirms the erroneousness of the measures taken)
● NY State Sen: I Think Nursing Home COVID Deaths Undercounted by ‘a Couple of Thousand’ ‘at a Minimum’
New York’s numbers underrepresent the number of coronavirus deaths in nursing homes and he believes that “at a minimum, we’re talking probably a couple of thousand additional deaths.”
Doctors have been allowed to take over the country and create the biggest public policy disaster in history.
Vive in Italia e lavora in Svizzera, precisamente nel Canton Ticino ed è dottore specializzato in medicina interna. È la dottoressa Chiara Taiana a parlare questa volta a #Byoblu24 con uno scopo: porre l’attenzione sui differenti protocolli adottati dall’Italia e dal Paese suo vicino. In particolare le diverse misure adottate nei confronti della popolazione più giovane, quella in età pediatrica, ma non solo. La dottoressa Taiana ha anche inviato una lettera, lo scorso 11 luglio, al Governo per chiedere spiegazioni sulla ripresa delle attività scolastiche. La lettera si conclude così: “Vi daremo tempo fino a metà agosto per vedere una risposta concreta a questa lettera, qualora questo non dovesse accadere ci vedremo costretti a mostrarvi quanto è grande e bello il futuro di questo paese portando i bambini in piazza con noi, in una manifestazione assolutamente pacifica, perché imparino sin da piccoli che i diritti vanno difesi con il cuore, con le mani con i denti, e l’istruzione è un loro diritto”.
Here are 5 reasons why masks are anything but harmless and, indeed, will only make everything we’re enduring now even worse.
We must move beyond the hyperbole and focus on what the latest science tells us.
They're lying to you when they say it's too dangerous to reopen schools.
Science says: Reopen schools; Steve Hilton weighs in on 'The Next Revolution.'
“The more we find out about the Cuomo administration’s disastrous coronavirus response, the more suspicious his actions look,” Rep. Steve Scalise, the top Republican on the House select subcommittee on the response to the coronavirus crisis, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
Reported Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance
More than 50,000 people have died from coronavirus-related illness at the country’s nursing homes for older adults, The New York Times reported Saturday.
The Times’s database collected data showing that coronavirus, or COVID-19, has infected more than 282,000 people at 12,000 facilities. Total deaths from such long-term facilities constitute roughly 43% of all COVID-19-related deaths, the paper reported.
"The entire Wuhan virus scare was nothing more or less than a massive fraud perpetrated upon the American people by ‘experts’ who were determined to fundamentally change the way the country lives and is organized and governed."
The Nation indicated by the lockdown supporters as a virtuous reference admits that it was wrong She added: 'I probably took many of the decisions out of fear. Worst case scenarios became controlling, and we kept thinking; ''how can we be a leader?''
"Lockdown measures made no difference"