di footnotes
earch engines often rank engaging content higher in search results. Images and videos are far more engaging than plain text.
You want to make sure that your blog posts contain images between paragraphs.(9)«We has exchanged an infection just more serious than an influenza for a lethal pandemic.” Then delete the post » February 23, 2020 https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/coronavirus-sfogo-direttrice-analisi-sacco-e-follia-uccide-piu-l-influenza-ACq3ISLB Continua inline You want to make sure that your blog posts contain images between paragraphs.
When adding images, you
(10)«We has exchanged an infection just more serious than an influenza for a lethal pandemic.” Then delete the post » February 23, 2020 want to be careful about image copyrights. Often beginners copy images from other sites to use (11) https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/coronavirus-sfogo-direttrice-analisi-sacco-e-follia-uccide-piu-l-influenza-ACq3ISLB
(12)this will be a footnote
on their site, and this can get you in legal trouble if you do so without proper permissions.LINK TEXT
Di motern Footnotes
earch engines often rank engaging content higher in search results. Images and videos are far more engaging than plain text.
You want to make sure that your blog posts contain images between paragraphs.1«We has exchanged an infection just more serious than an influenza for a lethal pandemic.” Then delete the post » February 23, 2020 https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/coronavirus-sfogo-direttrice-analisi-sacco-e-follia-uccide-piu-l-influenza-ACq3ISLB
When adding images, you
2«We has exchanged an infection just more serious than an influenza for a lethal pandemic.” Then delete the post » February 23, 2020 want to be careful about image copyrights. Often beginners copy images from other sites to use 3 https://www.ilsole24ore.com/art/coronavirus-sfogo-direttrice-analisi-sacco-e-follia-uccide-piu-l-influenza-ACq3ISLB 4this will be a footnoteon their site, and this can get you in legal trouble if you do so without proper permissions.LINK TEXT