dove_progress (dove è il pror. ufficiale): WP

2 posts

The incorrect assessment of an increase in the spread of Covid (real and relative data)

The containment measures of Covid-19 (masks, lockdowns, etc …) are taken on the basis of an alleged increase in “cases” of disease. But in declaring that infections have increased today there is a totally false reasoning (devoid of scientificity, it has no connection with what is the reality of the facts). . Let’s try to clarify how this can happen. . Let’s start with an example: […]

sources: Coronavirus disease is a normal flu [early studies]

 ● Countries that, like South Korea and Taiwan, were the first to be affected by the epidemic, and have solved the problem in the quickest and most effective way: it is a normal flu [see “Coronavirus cases have dropped sharply in South Korea. What’s the secret to its success?” –] ● the most authoritative sources such as the Scientists who faced the spread of the […]