Crisis of the Market (pre-covid) derives mainly from a contraction in demand caused by a misunderstanding on the concept of innovation. Solution is the recovery of the actual innovation (today Disruptive Innovation: a new form of innovation that pays attention to people’s needs).
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Luca Bottazzi is strategic consultant and innovation for the public administration and political institutions managed by outsider movements, with 3 different roles representing three levels of intervention that integrate into a single innovation action of government and administration systems capable of producing an actual improvement of PA efficiency, and a real improvement in the quality of life of the cities.
L’Iniziativa Rappresentanza 2.0 è concepita per far fare un salto di qualità alla Democrazia, RIMETTENDO LA POLITICA IN MANO AI CITTADINI: UN NUOVO MODELLO DI RAPPRESENTANZA (“Rappresentanza vincolata” o “Rappresentanza diretta o partecipata”) nel quale il Rappresentante (in Parlamento, Consiglio comunale, ecc …) è vincolato alla Volontà dell’elettore. Uno strumento che permette di operare “in parallelo” con le attuali Istituzioni governative con il quale si attua una “riforma de facto” della attuale Democrazia “sociale”.
A series of Articles dedicated to the definition of a path of restoration of modern Democracy to its “factory conditions”: to the restoration of the fundamental principles and functions of Democracy, which was – during its two centuries of life – transformed into a socialist regime. The essence of this recovery consists in recovering the direct participation of Citizens in the Administration/Government processes. Starting to change things from the local level, where Citizens can be directly involved, and immediately improve things