Every event in the political scene
is a wake-up call
for a commitment
to improve the functioning of the Democracy System
The problem is that today Government issues are followed up like those of Sport: as something that happens regardless of our Will.
That is,
the Citizens do not realize that,
unlike IN the world of Sport,
in the government they are the Players.
In Government Watchdog, every critical event on the political scene becomes a commitment to understand how the things that produced the problem can be improved (so that the problem doesn’t happen again).
The motto of Government Watchdog is
every critical event on the political scene is an opportunity to reflect on the causes of the problems, and to plan new ways of government.
For this reason,
the following are developed in Government Watchdog:
■ a critical analysis of the events based on the following methodology
This involves evaluating:
● A1) What are the actual damages that the event has produced at various levels;
A2) and, for the political/social/economic dimension. what are the worsening that can occur in the near future?
● What are the causes of the problems created by the event (identified in the various aspects of: International and National Politics, Culture, Sociality, etc.).
It is crucial to identify the deeper causes of the events, because it is not a question of adjusting a situation, but of taking the opportunity to substantially improve things (at the root), radically changing the operating methods of the institutions.
● how the problems in question could have been avoided (taking into account what in this analysis has been understood about the causes, it is possible to create new government/administration processes – to make them more relevant to the Principles of Democracy.
■ innovative Government tools that allow to make a qualitative leap in Democracy (improving the current tools, which are stuck at the technological level of the foundation of the USA).