■ Collection of Articles: ■ SECTORS OF GOVERNANCE

2 posts

Reform of specific sectors of Democracy

This entry is part 9 of 9 in the series ► I.c_Reboot of Democracy

Here is a brief summary of the sectors analyzed: ■ Institutional government □ the problem: the loss of democracy prevents the government from producing effective solutions that are really useful to citizens (and allows the political class to pursue other interests). > the solution is the recovery of a local […]

The Police violence problem: towards a solution

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series ● II.c – Systemic racism or Abuse of Power

In the previous documents of this series it was said: – in «Ethnic disparity is a” cultural matter “(a Government issue)» <see>  has highlighted how the serious hardships experienced by some ethnic minorities derive from a wrong setting of government institutions. – in “Is there a systemic racism? a scientific […]