One of the naive conceptions of politics
– which today allow the Left to develop an “absolute power” –
is that there are still two parties:
that of the Right and that of the Left.
In reality there are many facts that show us unequivocally how this is not true. Some of the most significant are:
– the declarations of the same politicians of the Republican Party, starting with all the US Presidents and Candidates for President of the last 30 years, who have declared that they want to vote for the Democrats (he Bush family, and Mitt Romney).
– after the 2020 elections, when so much detailed evidence of electoral fraud emerged, many of the most prominent Republicans accused the supporters of the fraud thesis of making up their own theses (Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, Liz Cheney, etc … )
The latest events related to the elections of 2021 have highlighted how in reality today the two “parties” present in the Washington government (and in some States) are that of the Conservatives, and that of the Establishment.
● Establishment
It is the “Party” whose ideology is progressivism, in the sense of
wanting to overcome
traditional cultural and moral positions
(defended by conservatives)
in order to create a New Society
better than the current one.
The purpose of the Establishment, by definition, is to control the Government of the Nation. Obviously, this control is exercised in an “authoritarian” way, that is, which tends to overcome the rules established previously (in Democracy it is a question of overcoming the popular will expressed through the vote).
Wikipedia: Establishment “The term in its modern sense was popularized by the British journalist Henry Fairlie, who in September 1955 in the London magazine The Spectator defined the network of prominent, well-connected people as” the Establishment “. “
Those who work in the Establishment party do so for ideological reasons (an idea that is considered to be better than that on which the traditional democratic Government is based) or for mere convenience.
The leaders of the “Party” of the Establishment are not just politicians: today the government sees a union (1) of traditional politics with the members of the so-called (2) Crony Capitalists (first and foremost it is Global Finance, Big Tech, etc ….): both are in fact united by a project in which they coexist
● a social Ideology which aspires to the creation of an ideal world governed by some global leaders invested with an authority that nullifies the Popular Will, Citizens’ Vote (according to this Ideology the People lack the ability to make correct decisions).
● economic interests: today the Pope also joined one of the economic groups of global finance, the “Council for Inclusive Capitalism” (to which, among others, the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers belong).
<see my article “The sharing of the Socialist ideology between Social Democracy and the protagonists of global Financial capitalism“>
These politicians find the consensus of supporters convinced of the reliability of the leaders proposed by the Establishment (essentially they are terrified of not knowing how to manage their lives directly).
The so-called New World Order is not a current invention: already at the beginning of the 1900s Gramsci (the inventor of cultural Marxism on which the current strategies of the Left are based) had created the magazine “New Order”: The New Order was a weekly newspaper “were admirers of the Russian Revolution and strongly supported the immediate creation of soviets in Italy.” [Wikipedia]
It follows that
for the leaders of the establishment
the Citizens from the End of Government
become a means
to develop their Goals.
● Conservatives
The Conservatives (which “in theory” should be the adherents of the Republican Party) are for the defense of traditional Culture (the one that the “Liberal” mentality of the Establishment wants to abolish in order to achieve the “New Order”).
Conservatives in summary are:
– for the defense of Customs, of the Values inherited from tradition (this is the culture evolved by man for millennia).
– for the traditional modes of government, those practiced in the towns at the time of the American Revolution (that was then the only mode of government, as the federal government has not yet been created).
In the conception of the Conservatives, therefore, in essence, the Citizens are the protagonists of government (they are, in a certain sense, the leaders of themselves).
in the real conception of government of the Conservatives it does not exist a central government like that of Washington:
government cannot be constituted by Representatives,
since it is exercised through
the Politics of the Demos
(exercised directly by the Citizens), as it was in the original Democracy (of Athens or at the time of the American Revolution).
A. Lincoln: ‘Democracy is direct self-government, over all the people, for all the people, by all the people ”.
The federal government as it is now conceived was created at a later time by some Founding Fathers who had absorbed from the ideologies of the French revolution. <see my text “The question of representation in modern Democracy“>
The problem with the creation of a central government such as the federal one in Washington is that although the initial idea was to have a “minimum government”, subordinated for the most part to the will of the local territories, this government was able to to attribute to himself an ever greater level of power due to some intrinsic characteristics to it. <see my text “Having even a small amount of power in a system allows you to increase that power“>
We must note that the justification for the creation of a representative Democracy, an idea according to which it is impossible to have a coordination of local governments without a real national Parliament, was valid at the time of the founding of the United States: but today the technologies available allow us to develop this type of coordination in a way that is truly subordinate to the will of the local communities (Contee, Town) <see my text “Bottom Up Reform Initiative – A Project for the realization of a bottom-up Reform of Democracy“>
The turning point of Trump’s presidency
The advent of Trump has highlighted how obsolete it is to think in terms of the Right and the Left, since:
● Since he showed up in 2016, most of the Republican Party has openly sided against him.
● Citizens by voting for Trump (2016 and even more so in 2021) expressed for the first time the desire to no longer be governed by Politicians, by Washington Politics (Trump being the first non-politician elected by the Americans; and having also expressed his intention to cleanse Washington of inefficient and corrupt politicians – “drain the swamp”).
Trump’s total failure (not only did he fail to drain the swamp, but he even favored the development of a greater level of Socialism) must make us reflect on the following points:
– Washington’s government is no longer reformable (two extremely high-level personalities like Reagan and Trump have failed to develop lasting changes). That is, you cannot drain the swamp, since Washington’s government system is corrupt at its foundations.
– it is necessary to rebuild democracy elsewhere: not by inventing something new, but
by recovering the power of Citizens
in the local area
(and hence, having obtained a de facto power that no one can counter – today we are supported by 75 million Voters – is possible to dissolve the current absolute Power of the Left).
<see my article “Wake up call: do become aware of the reason for the continuous failures, and do start again in the correct way! “>