Yearly Archives: 2020

37 posts

Why is Democracy vanishing?

This entry is part 6 of 9 in the series ► I.c_Reboot of Democracy

In the previous article it was highlighted that what is currently in decline is Social Democracy, which is no longer reformable. And how it is necessary to take advantage of the tightening of Left policies to develop an effective path of restoration of real Democracy. <see> The crisis in the […]

∙I.c.1 – Towards a Democracy Reboot (synopsis)

This entry is part 3 of 9 in the series ► I.c_Reboot of Democracy

Since a point of no return has been reached, in which the Institutions of Democracy have been so “revolutionized” by the Left to the point that they can no longer be reformed, it is necessary to use a path of recovery of Democracy that does not go through the current […]

The socialist one is not a revolution but a coup

This entry is part 2 of 2 in the series ● II.b – Socialism

I read on Breibart that «Democrats Want a Second American Revolution — a Socialist One» . But the Communist Revolutions are actually an invention of the Historians: the Communists have always taken power with a Coup d’Etat that took advantage of the destabilization situation created by a popular Revolution. This […]

The Police violence problem: towards a solution

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series ● II.c – Systemic racism or Abuse of Power

In the previous documents of this series it was said: – in «Ethnic disparity is a” cultural matter “(a Government issue)» <see>  has highlighted how the serious hardships experienced by some ethnic minorities derive from a wrong setting of government institutions. – in “Is there a systemic racism? a scientific […]

Systemic racism or Monopoly of force?

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series ● II.c – Systemic racism or Abuse of Power

SERIES OF ARTICLES ON THE QUESTION OF POLICE VIOLENCE AND SYSTEMI RACISM – Today it is thought that there is a systemic racism in western society (especially in the USA) which is responsible for some serious hardships experienced by some ethnic minorities; and responsible for the forms of violence perpetrated by public institutions.
In reality, a careful analysis of the issue of social violence shows that the problem upstream of everything is a degeneration in the functions of public institutions that today end up assuming an authoritarian connotation (which derives from the social-democratic ideological conception of the Society) where originally to be were created and managed “by the people, for the people”.

Debunking Obama message on “protesters”

Today, thanks to mass hypnosis, it is possible to spread the “Newspeak” described by Orwell, <see “The rewriting of culture“>. A significant example is that of applying the NewSpeak is Obama’s intervention in favor of the riots of the spring of 2020. <see Article on New York Times> In this […]

∙Hypno-governance: Mass hypnosis

This entry is part 1 of 2 in the series ● II.b – Socialism

  What the experience of the lockdown linked to Coronavirus 2020 teaches us is the condition of mass hypnosis developed by the Government (with the support of the Media). It is a form of hypno-governance (hypno-communication) operated thanks to a continuous flow of hypnotic communication developed through the media. . […]

Why is it a problem to be protected by leaders?

It is not a problem to be abandoned by leaders (as the Left thinks). By “abandoning” us the leaders give us our freedom to act (which is the responsibility of our lives). Leaders in Democracy can only act top-down when there is an explicit request for Citizen intervention (for example […]

The emergency that does not exist (Dr. Fauci as Orson Welles)

Now it emerges that the Coronavirus emergency was literally invented. For what reason? The reasons are probably many, but one reason is certainly Ideological (“Political”): since Marx realized that the “Terror” regime had worked after the French Revolution, he wanted to specify that the new socialist ideology (Communism) is based […]


Every event in the political scene is a wake-up call for a commitment to improve the functioning of the Democracy System . The problem is that today Government issues are followed up like those of Sport: as something that happens regardless of our Will. . That is, the Citizens do […]

□ GWD Mission □

  Government Watchdog Is born from the realization of the IMPELLENT NEED TO START A CONTRAST PHASE OF THE LEFT (ESTABLISHMENT) STRATEGIES . The problem for Democracy is currently, that there is still no real awareness that the Left (ESTABLISHMENT) is carrying out a gradual coup d’état that is leading […]

The tendency of Left Politics to real Socialism

  In order to survive Democratic Socialism it is necessary to understand in essence the “Left Thought”. Today those involved in improving urban Mobili Left politics tends – if not effectively opposed – to forms of real Socialism (keep in mind that we do not speak of cases such as […]